Welcome to LevBet and thanks for joining our mission to make the betting industry better. Based on combining pre-existing concepts across the betting and financial services industries, we aim to create a betting experience worthy of a financial market investment tool, and a learning curve manageable for every type of user.
Betting markets and financial markets are fundamentally the same. In one you trade moving odds, and in the other you trade moving prices. What infuriates us is that betting is stuck in the dark ages. Remember the exciting evolutionary concept known as the 'Betting Exchange'? That concept is over a century old in finance. Just imagine the evolution built over that with an extra century of development and you get an idea for the gap between these markets.
Why do we care about this? Well the further the industry develops the less it is controlled by intermediaries (bookies), and the more diverse and large the opportunities become for speculators (that's you).
Out of all these developments we believe the most important is leverage, and it is pretty simple really. Why should we force you to put up all $100 for a $100 bet if the maximum adverse odds movement you will sustain in a given period of time is 10%? Of course we will only make you put up 10% of that, $10!
There are a multitude of different financial derivative products you can use to take advantage of leveraged betting and as we develop, we intend to roll out a more and more diverse and complete array of opportunities. Further, we have designed our platform so that you can better manage any kind of bet, from the most simple, to the most complex.
We are a small team with a big vision, and we want you to be involved in it. This is starting with a 3 month paper trading competition where we road test and continue to develop our platform. For your time we are giving away 1% equity in our firm to each of the top 3 users, and halving commission rates for the next 100.
But that is just the beginning. We are developing this platform for our users, and we encourage you to give us suggestions for products and improvements, and as well as whatever general feedback you think will improve your experience. We are committed to implementing as many of these requests as we can.
If you are ready for a deeper look, or you have remaining questions, why not check out LevBet University for our very first tutorials
...and just finally remember that with the 2014 Football World Cup just around the corner, it's a great time to get excited about betting.
Happy punting,